mercredi 1 janvier 2020

Manna tapping change

One of the differences between real Duel master (RDM) and Duel master plays (DMP) is the mana tapping rule. The initial reaction of the rule is that it will ease how one balance civilisations in bicolor decks and help triple civs. And while it is true, I am not convinced it is important.

     The initial though when an PDM player hear the rule change is "I can now put an 8 to 10 cards touch more easily. Would like more destruction to your Ligh water deck ? Put a darkness touch. Need drawing power to your fire light deck ? Put a water touch".

1: the rule will only affect the game in one situation that is very unlikely to happen
    In which situation does this rule change apply ? Well, when you think about it, there is only one situation where this changes : in mid game where you want to call two low costs creatures from the same civilisation, but only have one card of the same civ in the mana zone (let's say 2 3 manas creature when you have 6 manas). In every other situations the change doesn't matter :
you only cast one card this turn ? Doesn't matter.
you call two small creatures and already have two cards of the civ in the mana zone ? Doesn't matter.
You have two high cost cards that you want to cast at the same time at the end of the game ? (Let's say two 5 manas and you have 10 manas. It matter, but how realistic is it to happen ? You have to climb to 10 manas, once you are this late, you probably already two cards of the color in your mana zone.
When you think about the situation where the rule change apply : you have 2 cards of the 'touch' civ in hand and one in the hand. This mean you have pulled three cards out of the 10 cards touch by turn 6 (out of the 11 cards you drew at the begging of the game).

2 : the rule will not help during the early game
     Sure, this means beeing 'color screwed' will happened way less often. Especially if you use a lot of small creatures of the secondary color. But if you are not careful enough of the ratio, you can only draw one card of the secondary color in the early game. The rule change will not help you here.
So it does help the secondary color, but not for cards that you want to play early, on curve. For example, let's say you want to use a 10 cards light touch to have blockers to protect you early in the game. This touch will most likely brick early game.

    Finally, we have to keep in mind the color touch have downside : stop you from playing powerful cards like Angle cluster, or takes rooms from the secondary civ in a three color deck (especially now that we have to play 40 cards period).

    So no, the rule change barely matters, it can help during the game, but I would not change how I deck build. The goal is not to dissuade you from build touches in your deck, but don't put touch anywhere. Would you build this touch in an RDM deck ? No ? Then don't put it in your DMP deck. Yes ? The cards in that touch are that good/needed ? Then put it.

    The only situation that I think should be reconsidered are a touch based on an evolution creature :
Here is a small touches that may be viable thanks to the new rule : Water : Aqua Guard - Aqua Hulcus - Crystal paladin. The goal is to use aqual guard and crystal paladin as a 5 mana speed attacker that bounces shield. If your deck struggles against blocker flood.
Or a nature touch : Bronze arm tribe - Barkwhip - Natural snare. Gives a nice 4 mana speed attacker and a removal shield trigger.
Something to ponder on.

Ps: what chutereve told me is that Kaijudo had the same rule change. So If anyone  played Kaijudo at the time, I am curious to know how Kaijudo players reacted to the rule change.

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